Why the conversion?

In today’s web world, most sites are run on Content Management Systems such as Wordpress. You login, say “new page”, and start authoring content. Once completed, that content is dynamically generated each time a page on your site is accessed. To support this, you must pay monthly hosting costs that could be over $1,000 for what is typically a few pages.

With the advent of static site generators, you can now cheaply host your website, make updates in real-time, and host your site on various hosting providers such as Netlify, GitHub, Azure, or any other static site hosting provider.


You will go through an interview process to gather various details about your current site, including:

With that gathered, a plan can then be put into action.

The typical workflow is:

Once this has been completed, the new site is then refactored to use templates and your existing content. This is then deployed to a draft site for your approval. Once approved, a few changes are made to point to your new static site, and you are live.

For editing purposes, you can do one of several things: