I am a technology enthousiast first and foremost. My main focus is writing software using Microsoft .NET and dotnet core platforms. I’ve developed software for various companies of various sizes, and in a variety of industries including, but not limited to:

In each of these industries, I’ve had to utilize cutting and/or bleeding edge tools while integrating with legacy systems, providing various APIs along the way.

In several of these engagements, I’ve interacted or otherwise managed personnel in various countries including (but not limited to) Brazil, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom. In each case, there was a learning curve on each countries culture and customs.


As an adolescent, I started my development career not by writing software, but by deconstructing items in our household (hide your screwdrivers, folks!) to learn how they worked. During this time, I inherited or otherwise became in posession of various second-hand computers from family and friends, and discovered BASIC. It wasn’t until the summer between my freshman and sophmore year in High School that the real interest for writing software came to frution. I had interest, as I took a software development course in QBasic my freshman year. During this summer, after being gifted some code that allowed me to interact with a mouse, I attempted to author my own GUI for working with DOS programs (yes folks, DOS was still the rage for me at this point)

From that point, and through the rest of my high school years, my interests really grew for software development, and I wrote a program in Microsoft Access that placed first in a regional contest; and forth in the state-level.

After attending, and subsequently having to drop out of my first college, I spent a year working for a local software firm, where I taught myself VB6 and VB.Net development for both desktop and web applications.

Although it was a great experience; after realizing that $8.50/hr was never going to allow me to live the life I would want, it was time to leave the job and head back into school. I achieved my Associates of Computer Information Systems at a local tech college.

From that point, I’ve worked for an Advertising Firm, a Point-of-Sale dealership; a botique investment firm; a bank; a software firm developing systems for higher education; as well as three startups, which I am either the founder, or co-founder of.

Notable Projects

Although many of the projects I’ve worked on over my tenure as a software developer are all covered under NDA (means that they are not public facing and those clients will not let me show them to you), I do have a few projects that can be shown or otherwise discussed.